Be amongst the first to choose culturally fished abalone for your menu, connecting ancient Sea Country food and its culture, to you and your diners.
Our 40,000 years of traditions passed to our fishers and custodians today ensures deep-time sustainability, we are harvesting a beautiful product that is now available to you.
In Tasmania, an island known by many names by many peoples – women are of the sea, men are of the land, and everyone comes from night sky country. Our women have governance of Sea Country, we care for it and provide Sea Country foods to nourish and bring happiness to families and communities.
Our ancestor women swam with woven baskets and abalone was levered off rocks with skillfully crafted tools and placed within for careful food handling. This same technique and great care still runs through our abalone harvesting process today, a beautiful product which is now available to you.
Choosing culturally fished abalone for your menu will connect this ancient Sea Country food and its culture, to you and your diners.
Tasmanian Aboriginal Seafood is the only supplier of premium Tasmanian abalone, harvested with 40,000 years of tradition. By fishing sustainably and sharing our abalone locally, we’re creating food systems that heal Sea Country and strengthen communities. With its fine, delicate flavour, our abalone brings joy to every table and celebrates the essence of Sea Country.
Where the land meets the sea, living midden sites line the coast of Tasmania. They are not simply collections of shells from a meal or cultural practice. They are also places of creation, burial, markers for travel, living floors and sacred places.
All Tasmanian Aboriginal Seafood suppliers are traditional owners and continuing custodians, keeping our ancient foods on Country and managing the fishery according to our age old traditions.
Tim Russell-Jarvie
Business Manager
M: 0475 459 151
Tim Russell-Jarvie
Business Manager
M: 0475 459 151
Respecting Traditional Property As Traditional Owners who have contributed to this website, we keep our respective ownership of and copyright over our shared information. As the Indigenous Knowledge Holders, we assert our respective ownership, authority and control over our Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) expressed on this website.
Artwork featured on this website is by Craig Everett, a Trawlwoolway man, palawa/pakana from Lutruwita.
“Culture is sacred not Secret”